Exit Strategy
About The Strat I don't think I would necessarily stay in this business for too long. But I wouldn't sell it either (I don't even know if I COULD sell this business). What I think I would do is stay until the market has caught on, and while it does, look for someone already working with us that has the drive and potential to lead the company forward. I would make sure that whoever takes over me has ideals that either fit the company, or maybe don't fit it, but could be an improvement. Why This Strat The thing is, since I'm not into finances, or banking, I think staying here will limit me in a way. I'm a developer, and I don't want to be stuck developing banking or financing apps. I can start like that, but I also want to move on to bigger and better things. Besides, despite the fact that I hated moving before, I think it's made me someone who doesn't really try to settle in anywhere, and is instead always looking for opportunities to grow...