Elevator Pitch 3.0

Pitch Transcript:

Mobile banking apps have been the way we know them since 2010, after the fast expansion of Apple’s famous iPhone and Google’s versatile Android software. And it currently sits at a very comfortable 50% usage. Online banking however, websites, sit at 70% usage. Outside of the U.S, these numbers are lower for mobile banking, below 40% for Latin America, and below 30% in Europe.

But in 2019 everybody has smartphones, and tablets. So why is this difference so great?

Well, as it turns out, most mobile banking apps are inferior to the websites. Since most apps are designed for smaller devices, with sometimes less processing power, features are often missing from the apps.

So how do we solve this?

It turns out we already have.

Software nowadays can be optimized to run just as fast on 4 year old devices as on flagship devices.

And we as students are familiar with Canvas, which allows us to access online courses, and it’s a service available for multiple, if not every single college in the U.S.

This is exactly what the portal is. It allows full control and full access to all your account information, to all your investments, and your personal information; it has desktop-class features for available for all banks alike; and it effectively keeps bank *independence. No bank can access any other bank’s information. Only the user and the bank itself can access their own bank’s information.

This is what the Portal is.

Thank you.

No seriously, I got no feedback in the last pitch.

I didn't receive feedback, but I did change a couple of things. I finally addressed bank independence, and I illustrated how, or why, this problem can be solved.
I also took more time to learn the pitch. Wasn't enough. 😅


  1. Greetings! I know imagine how frustrating it was not to receive feedback on your last elevator pitch! I didn’t receive much feedback either and I had a hard time realizing what I was doing wrong. I decided to show it to friends and family and explain to the assignment and get feedback that way. I found this to be very helpful. Your pitch was presented very well!


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