Elevator Pitch 2.0

Pitch Transcript:

Mobile banking vs online banking. Introduced in 2008, mobile banking has already soared to over 50% usage as of last year. Online banking however, is already north of 70%. Outside of the U.S, in latin America, for example, mobile banking is at only 36% usage, and in Europe its at 26%.

Why in 2019, the age of everybody having smartphones in their pockets and tablets in every household, is online banking bigger than mobile banking?

Fine margins. All mobile apps are inferior to websites. They are made for smaller devices, with sometimes a little less processing power, which leads to less features being included and sometimes less responsiveness in those apps.

*cough* WeLLs FArGO

So thats what we are trying to solve. Full control over all of your accounts from any device. Full control over your investments. Full control over your own information: YOUR PRIVACY. Desktop-class features available for all banks. Unique designs for each bank’s individual space. All of that from one app.

*dramatic pause*

This is the Portal

Some of the feedback I received included focusing more on statistics, as last time I merely mentioned them without any real conclusion derived from them. I also received questions about the limitations of current banking apps, and wether the product was actually multiple apps or a single one.
All of these points where very good ones, that I addressed in my pitch.

From the feedback I received, I changed my pitch this time around. For example, not only did I use statistics to back up my business idea, but I researched a little more to have something to compare the usage of mobile banking to, in this case online banking (apps vs websites).
I also mentioned how (or rather why) apps are inferior, without focusing on specific limitations. Since every app is different, each app may have a specific limitation unique to it.
I explained the portal a little more in detail, and I even explicitly stated that there would only be one app.


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