My Entrepreneurial Story

My story

Earlier this year, in January, I went to the first Spring meeting held by the Society of Software Developers. I had just joined the organization, and it was also my first semester at U.F. During the meeting, SSD president Blake Anderson introduced a graduate student, Kyle Lampkin. He was one of the co-founders of the then-startup laundry company Laundr. He was offering the chance to work with a team of developers to help get the app ready for launch. I took the opportunity and went to meet with him and the other co-founder, Michael Behfar, just a week later.

I know, the idea of a laundry company doesn't seem like a real entrepreneurial experience. But these two guys have a great idea. During the meeting, Michael explained to me how he looked at the Taxi industry, an industry that was almost certainly dying out, until companies like Uber and Lyft came by and revitalized it. And Amazon, changing product delivery for the better. Yet laundry, something most people would agree can be a hassle, albeit necessary, was still as inconvenient as it was 10 years ago. And, while back then they were still trying to work all the specifics of their service, they ended up launching about a month later. They have since updated their website to show all their subscriptions and semester plans, a service I remember them discussing.

Worth noting that I didn't stay too long. I was (and still am) far too inexperienced to work on something that big. I am also taking on a much bigger workload during the Summer than I was during the Spring, so the little time I had during Spring was cut to essentially zero. But it was a great experience.

Why I joined ENT3003

I'll be honest. ENT3003 was never my first choice class. I am in the Innovation Academy, and its my second semester, so I was really supposed to take IDS1359. But I am also a Computer Science major, and those classes where only offered in one period each, conflicting with the innovation class. So I opted to take one of the many other classes required for the innovation minor and I'll hopefully be able to take that one next summer. Still, I picked ENT3003 over some of the others because its something I think everyone should try to develop. Everyone should try something entrepreneurial, its a necessary skill for life. So I am hopping I can make the most out of this class and learn how to think and act like an entrepreneur (and hopefully it won't be just acting).

**I couldn't show a picture from the app code because, well, its source code. But here is a link to the Laundr Website so you can see all they have, this picture is taken directly from their website.**


  1. Hi! You did a great job describing a time where you encountered entrepreneurship and effectively answered all the steps to this assignment. You put really good effort into each step of the assignment and it turned out really well. The post was completed well and organized in a way that made it easy to read and entertaining as well. Good job!


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